Thoughts from The Low Carb Grocery

It’s always funny to see people you know from work or school outside of where you usually see each other. I’m sure I can’t be the only one who has avoided someone they know in public because I don’t feel my best that day.

Recently I was doing my regular grocery shopping at my local grocery store (fun fact, Low Carb Employees do shop at regular stores too), when I happened to bump into one of our regular customers. Obviously I just wanted to run and hide down the next isle as this happened to be the day I thought “I wont see anyone I know, I’ll just throw on this over sized sweater and some shorts” to do all my errands.

It took her a moment recognize me outside of my uniform, but we quickly started to chat about our week.  As the conversation continued I noticed she kept glancing in my cart. I didn’t really think anything of it until she said:

“I have to say I am surprised you have these items in your cart! I always figured you guys just told us what we should be picking up at your store, I had no idea you ate low carb as well!”

To be honest for some reason I thought this comment was a little funny at first. I’ve seen some of our regular customers outside of the store, but none of them have ever commented on what I was eating or doing at that time.

Recently some of you might have noticed on our home page we have changed our video from a video about our company and employees to a beautiful video about some of the challenges that our customers faced either before or during their diet. I thought this was a great video as it’s a way to show that we’re all struggling at some point with either weight gain or keeping at the weight we want to be!

I think as a community we as the Low Carb Grocery stand united in that we all want to be healthy; this is our lifestyle.  We all want to feel included in something bigger than just our own diets.  One of the best things is that on our Facebook page there seems to always be a steady stream of compliments, recipes and words of encouragement to both the store and to other low carbers!

I suppose as summer comes to a close and we return either back to work or back to school it gets easier to sink back into the “I’ll just grab something on the way” , “I don’t have time to prep anything for dinner there are too many things to do” or my personal mantra “I don’t have time for breakfast” routines.  Although I know these are easier alternatives to the sometimes challenging Low Carb Lifestyles we at the Low Carb Grocery  just wanted to let all of you know that we are here for you every step of the way. ( We do not however provide meal plans and or endorse one low carb diet over another:) we simply share what recipes/ tips and tricks we have used in our lives!)

Some fun/ Quick Tips to help with day to day Low Carbing:

-When finding recipes online try using the word “quick”, these typically bring up faster easier day to day recipes
-Drink a lot of water! Everyone knows we need water to function, but did you know it’s shown to help with weight loss *
-Don’t skip breakfast. Period. If you’re busy in the morning try making a quick shake to take with you!
-Talk to others about what they do and how they are finding their journey going.


Most importantly remember that we’re here to help you! We really understand your challenges and want to see you succeed in a healthier life!

*according to